Using WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) for Blockchain Development

In the past, I’ve been using my Macbook Pro to do all things blockchain and smart contracts development. One of the hurdles I encountered in the past is that some tooling and frameworks were not first class citizens on Windows. Majority of these tools, especially those that come with scripts and complex networking architecture (circa 2015) just works in MacOS and Linux:Ubuntu. Introduction Of course there have been a lot of improvements now in the ecosystem since then....

August 2021 · Michael John Peña

What are these blockchain and crypto tokens?

So you keep hearing or reading about “tokens”, these “cryptos”, the “blockchain bitcoins”, and so on. It’s been quite some time now that it has involved me with blockchains and cryptos that over and over, I have to explain to people (often new clients) on what are these tokens. Even until now, at almost late 2021, I still get asked about these: Is it Bitcoin? Is it Ethereum? Is it Coin X, Coin Y?...

August 2021 · Michael John Peña

The 3 Types of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies people I’ve met

I’ve been in the crazy Blockchain space for quite a while now. I’ve had a lot of conversations and people I’ve met online and in-person to talk about it. Over and over, I see patterns on the people I interact with whether they do it as part of their job, an enthusiast, developer, investor, or simply just a person. I’ve probably had hundreds of interactions already and most likely, they will belong to either of these 3 buckets....

February 2021 · Michael John Peña